For a Free Consultation on Greater Vancouver Garage Doors, Call Now 604-343-2771 or 778-588-5754

Residential Garage Repairs | The Door Ace


Maintenance + More For Your Garage Door

Family-owned and operated, Door Ace is home to your trustworthy garage door professionals for when you encounter any issues with overall operation or broken components. Whether you just need a yearly maintenance inspection for your residential garage door or to replace a particular part that no longer works, Door Ace is here to get your garage door back on track running at peak performance!

For inquiries about garage door service and repair or to schedule an inspection with one of our garage door experts, call us at 604-343-2771 or 778-588-5754. We even offer 24/7 emergency garage door services for the convenience of our valued clients!

Garage Door Service & Repair FAQ

When it comes to services and repairs for your residential or commercial garage door, you’re bound to have some queries about the issue(s) at hand, the process, and the solutions. At Door Ace, we’re more than happy to answer any questions concerning your garage door–we even got a head start by creating this FAQ just for you!

How much will it cost to fix my garage door?

The overall cost of servicing and repairing a garage door is highly dependent on a variety of factors, including the type of springs, size, weight, and material of your garage door. When there are broken chains or cables that cause your garage door to bounce or collapse more quickly than normal, you are looking at a more intricate solution. At Door Ace, we provide free estimates and quotes up front–with no hidden costs!


How much does it cost to repair a broken garage door spring?

Again, this specific garage door repair can depend on the type of spring that needs to be replaced. However, at Door Ace, we’re proud to provide flat-rate garage door spring replacements for an efficient and cost-effective solution for homeowners, property owners, and business owners alike.


Is garage door service and repair covered by my homeowner’s insurance?

More often than not, in the event of theft, damage, fire, or vandalism, homeowner’s insurance can cover your garage door maintenance and repair expenses–depending on your policy. However, intentional damage to your garage door, which can include certain natural disasters and automobile accidents, will not be covered by your homeowner’s insurance. Be sure to ask your policyholder about your options!


In the event of a broken garage door spring, should I replace both?

If you have a garage door that operates using two springs, then it’s a good idea to get both replaced even if only one is broken. More often than not, the 2nd spring will break within 6 months of the 1st one, and purchasing two new springs will save you a bit of money in the long run.


Why is the cable on my garage door coming off?

A spring with too much or too little tension can cause issues with other components and the overall operation of your garage door. Springs with excess tension will pull cables off the drum, while springs with not enough tension will cause cables to unwind.


How long do garage door springs typically last?

On average, residential garage doors typically open and close 4 times a day, and according to a 10,000-cycle torsion spring, this means your garage door springs should last at least 7 years. As a result, high-cycle garage door springs can have longer lifespans of 14 to 20 years!


How often should my garage door be serviced?

At Door Ace, we recommend having your residential garage door serviced at least once a year–even if it’s not experiencing any obvious mechanical difficulties. For commercial garage doors, we advise more frequent servicing because their springs and motors can become dangerous to vehicles and personnel if not kept in perfect working condition.


What We Fix | Garage Door Repairs

At Door Ace, our garage door repairs run the full gamut. After a thorough inspection from one of our qualified garage door technicians, we assess the components that require replacement or regreasing, including but not limited to:

  • Broken Springs
  • Worn Out Cables
  • Panel Replacement
  • Reapply Weatherstripping
  • And More!

Is your garage door broken or have you come across a part that needs to be replaced? Don’t hesitate to contact your friendly garage door specialists at Door Ace for a free quote and estimate at 604-343-2771 or 778-588-5754.

What We Check For | Garage Door Service + Maintenance

When you call Door Ace, we pride ourselves in offering the best in high-quality garage door service and maintenance. We check all of the necessary components to ensure your garage door runs smoothly at peak performance. Here are just some of the areas we address when servicing your garage door:

  • Binding Rollers
  • Door Balance
  • Drums
  • Door Condition
  • Motor Sensitivity
  • Force + Limits
  • Hinge Screw Torque
  • Safety Sensor Alignment
  • Greased + Oiled Guide Rails, Springs, + Hinges
  • Problematic Motors

When You Need Garage Door Service + Repair

Are you not sure if your garage door requires attention? Odds are, if it’s been over a year since your last garage door inspection, then it’s time for some TLC servicing from a licensed and insured garage door technician.

Here are some extra things to be on the lookout for when your garage door needs professional services and repairs! If you encounter any of the following warning signs, it will be important to contact your local garage door technicians to prevent any injuries or more costly damages to your home or building.

Extra Vibration + Shaking

If your garage door encounters any extra movement in the form of shuddering and shaking, this can be a sign that the following components are in disrepair and in need of replacement:

  • Loose screws
  • Rollers coming off the tracks
  • Loose hinges
  • Or more parts! 

Irregular Noises

Naturally, your garage door will make some noise while opening and closing. However, if you notice any screeching or strange sounds while your door is operating, this can point to some mechanical issues that will require servicing, repair, or replacement, such as:

  • Rusty hinges or railings
  • Uneven spring tension
  • Faulty garage door openers

Selling Your Home

When putting your house on the real estate market, repairing or replacing your garage door is a must. It not only adds aesthetic curb appeal, it also increases the value and functionality of your home.

Outdated Safety + Security

If you can’t remember the last time your garage door was serviced, odds are it will need to be updated to have the latest security features, including:

  • Auto-reverse
  • Manual control
  • Motion detection

When you call a garage door professional, it’s important to have it assessed for security as well as functionality for the added safety of your household!

Visible Wear + Tear

When you notice any damage to certain components or parts of your garage door, it’s important to call a garage door technician as soon as possible–before the problem becomes a more costly damage or even a safety issue. Look out for some of these visible signs of wear and tear that require attention:

  • Broken or brittle weatherstripping
  • Cracked, chipped, or worn down rollers
  • Loose wires, screws, or bolts

Uneven + Sagging Door

As your garage door racks up the years, it’s chance of sagging naturally increases due to the force of gravity. A sagging garage door can welcome pests inside your home, expose your home to harsh weather, and even threaten the security of your household. Additionally, when a garage door sags, it increases the tension on the springs and can even affect the door’s ability to open and close if left unaddressed.

Higher Utility Bills

If you notice an unexpected increase in your monthly utility bills, your garage door can be to blame. If it is worn down, your garage door can be allowing outside air in, which will affect your indoor temperatures and HVAC system. If needed, you might need to replace your garage door. A newer garage door system will be more energy efficient and sealed properly.

When putting your house on the real estate market, repairing or replacing your garage door is a must. It not only adds aesthetic curb appeal, it also increases the value and functionality of your home.

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